
Thursday 23 April 2020

Mobile Phone Blogging Apps And Tools

Mobile Phone Blogging Apps And Tools This article is provided for guys who are blogging using a smartphone. You know, after creating an account in blogger,the next thing awaiting is writing awesome articles in no time then publish them online. But it doesn't really work like that! you have to choose your niche wisely because with that said it will help you write your articles without ceasing for you are doing what you enjoy the most. Your niche at the very first phase is also another SEO passkey, tittle tags, and your web address should concentrate keywords of your niche have a look at our web address. I have to Explain everything On How To Create SEO Optimized Blog.

Mobile Phone Blogging Apps And Tools Guide

mobile phone blogging apps required to install before beginning blogging

So many people would like to read my articles because they believe it is actually an ultimate site rich in blogging tricks and tips. The great fun starts here, but for now, I am going to provide you with mobile phone apps readily available and suited to your blogging journey.

Recommended Article: Mobile Phone Specs Required For Mobile Blogging
If you choose your content management system to be blogger, in other words, you may be looking for a free hosting plan to test new things first or start blogging seriously, then all you need is a blogger app easy to download on Google play. This will reduce the need for looking for writing apps that may not perform well as expected. Blogger app major contribution is submissively a free offline writing zone without losing any of your data before launching it on your web.
WPS Writer
I don't recommend premium version here for you because there exists a free version with enough storage and you can work on it without incurring any difficulties. Commercial apps like WPS aids in reading downloaded PDF and also you can create your free PDF with this app. I strictly recommend this app because you can easily edit any downloaded blogger theme

Photo editor
To make articles look beautiful we add relevant photos because it helps in understanding more about your message or content. Sometimes we require to resize images or apply filters to make them look brilliant this is only done with a photo editor.

I didn't want to let you know about this app upfront, neither do I affiliate nor market any of its products nope it's because I really love this app even in my listing I am going to delete this post about Icode-Go under not spamming it because the developers may sue me unfavorably. Many bloggers are already familiar with this app and I'm one of the best bet users of all time. Let me not add more flavor on this app because, my fellow bloggers my start questioning how it works and how can I like it yet it is so complicated in fact, it is but I'm intimate to it. If you got questions about this app just hit the comment section I'm here for you.

English Dictionary
Yes, we need this tool to check for correct vocabularies before we use them on any of our articles if we are unsure of their meanings. As a simple tip and guide, your blogging journey will run smoothly with an offline dictionary. When you are looking to download it from Google Play, always check for an offline dictionary this reduces the need to have your phone frisked on wireless networks when looking for easy English new words.

A writer App
ICode- Go mobile app is more powerful than A writer App, why I say so is that the Awriter app keeps crashing if you open more than 15 tabs yet it is set to a maximum of 10 tabs. It is smart to learn coding from scratch for it packs all HTML, CSS, JavaScript mark up languages. Any beginner longing to learn coding especially HTML and CSS mark up language should ignite their course with this app for it renders skills readily availed for you and uncountable keyword suggestions. You may lack support or online tutors but you can visit relevant sites offering those courses then enroll your course, after learning, you can practice your quick learned coding skills with this app.

Google drive
Google Drive is a handy tool to have it on your smartphone basically for a foresighted blogger. As soon as you have registered a Gmail address, Google drive offers you a free 15GB cloud storage. In most relevant cases, it gets depreciated if you don't utilize it optimally I mean if you upload huge files to your blog like full HD videos I promise you the web space won't sustain more than seven videos. So you should note this trick before you start using your cloud storage space though it is little web space you can upgrade to large cloud storage at a tagged fee which I do not recommend you to do.

Timbre is just a simple app with easy blogger requirements for both podcasts and video editing with sufficient features. I have been using this app to;
1.Join my favorite audios
2. Cut unnecessary audio
3.Convert my audios to mp3,mp4, Flac, aac, WMA, WV, and so many others 
4.Omit some audio sections 
5.Split audios 
6.Bitrate my audios
7. Change the speed of any of my audio either slow, normal, fast with adjustable numerals set to do the operation and prompt response on click
8. Use reverse feature and adjust the pitch of any audio to reduce hear strain  from our listeners
Timbre renders video editing too but I don't usually use for videos I think it can be helpful to you.
Sound Creation And Editing
Sound creation apps may not be effective as expected thus the need to shop for an external mic which may require some bucks to get it. There are uncountable launched apps claiming to perform the task but I don't bet on them I rather look for other alternatives but use sound editing only to create masterpiece audios.

SEO Checker Mobile Phone Blogging Apps

SEO ready mobile Blogging Apps are set to help you blogging without a computer but a mobile phone only

I have prepared my whole list of handy blogging apps here which I have been using and I hope it will also assist you in your blogging fortune and keep you organized.
SEO blogging deals with little advanced blogging pillars readily launched to turbo-boost your passion and also to improve your online presence.
Search Console
Here in simple words, we are talking about your site and it's content to search preferences, crawl errors, sitemaps and your site performance in the overall search engine under tiny and complex codes referred to as robotics which crawls your site and its contents then it checks whether to index hence if indexed successfully, it appears in relevant search results in Google. Apart from inorganic search, we do need to improve our website stats by making sure all our pages are successfully indexed and appearing from relevant search results and is all done by creating a free error sitemap then installing Google search console app in Google play or use a web version by adding it to the home screen.

Social Media Apps
Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google Plus, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube are reputed sites under social media. Sharing your article to these platforms helps your website increase its traffic, receive more followers, quick marketing of your products, quick response from the target group, improve your blogging style, etc thus you get motivated in all tracks of your blogging career.
Analytics App
Everyone has heard about analytics Apps or has a sense of experience on his/her blog. Analytics app is more pertinent if you like taking the analysis of your website to determine whether you are progressing or not. It flaunts tonnes of site analysis suited to provide everything you require by applying filters but don't confuse and think it is a monetizing program, no it is not at all. Analytics app monitors your site performance and gives immediate feedback on usage stats by users navigating to your site. Apart from using a web version, there exists a simple and accurate analytics app compatible with a mobile phone device.

Grammarly App
Blogging is writing and grammar is correct writing, the true efficacy is seen by the user, I honestly use the free version of the app but the pro version is regarded as the best bet despite the cost. On my review on the app, I switch my Gboard to Grammarly keyboard when I was preparing this tutorial and to my astonishment, it detected spelling errors and correct Grammar thus I credited its visibility on my listing

Lastly, I would like to thank you for your efforts by reading this tutorial on my site. I have more well-cooked articles I'm preparing for you. I don't want you to miss them if you are new in blogging because they are vital to your blogging journey.
Thanks a tonne and be back for more Great tutorials

1 comment:

  1. The top and basic mobile phone blogging tools are already veiled on our website,you can add your favourite apps not listed on our blog
