
Thursday 23 April 2020

How To Create An Account In Blogger(Blogger Website)

How To Create An Account In Blogger(Blogger Website)
Hi reader, I just created a new and precise article which I believe will take you through on how you can easily get started and create your liked blog/website in blogger platform and have it running in a spur of a moment. If you are a beginner feel free and crave confidence because you landed safely on our site and we promise to brainstorm you with the tricks and tips of blogging in general hence the need for you to feel right at home.

Before we begin, there are many questions a beginner would consider asking exemplify, what is blogging? what is blogger then how to easily create a premium website?  And so on. Luckily, I am going to tackle them one after the other tactfully without locking out any vital information which may be pertinent to you.
1. What is Blogging
Blogging is simply explained as a person writing articles and channeling them through a blog or a website and a person behind those activities is called a blogger. A good example is on our blog, I wrote this article then I published online with a view of helping you to learn new things and also live the digital Life thus I'm referred to as a blogger.
2. What Is Blogger
Blogger is a content management system launched in early 2000 and is owned by Google company. It helps a blogger to manage their content. Other content management system includes WordPress, Drupal, Wix,squarespace, etc but on our blog, we will be discussing more on blogger and WordPress.
3.How To Create A Premium Website 
You can create a free website as well as a premium website. The only difference is that using a free website doesn't qualify to be your own website simply because it is not hosted under your domain name system(DNS) and on top of that you are using a subdomain of their main website example
The above extensions prove you are not the site owner and if you follow their terms keenly it states that they own the respect and rights to delete your web address with or without prior notice.
Many people prefer using a free platform for some time then they shift and host their own website at a speculated fee for buying a custom domain name plus hosting thus your website would appear as can learn more on our blog but full review about hosting which is one of our favorite niches is still pending to be launched.

How To Create A Website Using An Account In Blogger

tricks of creating an account in blogger and blogging tips

There are a few prerequisites needed to launch your hankered website/ blog using blogger platform. This platform is ready for AdSense monetizing program, I denote a broad smile because it's a topic relating to making money online, And it allows affiliate links from different markets available on the web. The advantage of creating your blog and managing your content on blogger is that it is not that complex for a beginner to interact with instead it is very easy and it saves your time by giving you peace of mind when blogging using this platform. Creating an outstanding blog will always take care of your blogging career and turbo boost your SEO. You can also blog using your smartphone but before that, I have provided a list of phone Specifications which mobile phone has to qualify to be used in blogging (how to blog using a mobile phone). I have also made a milestone decision to handpick all essential mobile phone blogging apps. We are now going to create a blogger account with my step by step Guide
Step 1 Create A Gmail Address
how to create a Gmail address from scratch and how to create an account in blogger

A mailing address is crucial in blogging henceforth, registering a Gmail address is still worthy to start with because it gives you a free 15GB cloud storage suffice to take your blogging career to gleam.
Step 2 Sign Up For Blogger
easy ways of signing up to blogger and how to quickly sign up for blogger

Go to then tap on create your blog, fill in the required blank spaces with correct details, read and accept the policies then tap on create an account.
Step 3 Input Your Title And Web Address
how to create a website title and web address

The title of your blog is the headlamp of your site as this will help your readers a basic understanding of what your website is all about, and by creating your web address is a simple link which would be used to reach to your blog homepage.
Step 4 Choose A Theme
blogger themes readily designed for any blogger

A theme is explained simply as the appearance of your blog, I recommend you to understand and respect your niche with a correct template then click on Create blog

How To write Posts After Creating A Website In Blogger Account

tips of writing blogger posts

Since you have already created your blogger website, the fun has immediately started...You could be running a blog yet it not working out for you or you just created an account like the one we have just used above as an example? yes or no but  Don't miss reading on how to create an eminent blog foresighted to drive long term profit and ultimately made to increase SEO Ranking in the (SERP). As usual, we can create as many blogs as we can but where the task starts are how to start writing interesting posts most likely to impress your readers and thereafter take their time appreciating your hard work, as a result, it will lead to a quick increase of new subscribers. You will also get motivated and the willpower to write as more thrilling articles as you can

Thanks for taking the time and reading my article. I hope you have successfully know how to create a blog using blogger platform however there are a lot of topics you should not miss as you keep on blogging, as a result, I recommend you sign up for our newsletter and also remember to follow our blog for more electrifying articles.
Keep blogging and have the correct mindset towards making a change.
Happy Blogging

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