Monday 18 May 2020

Factors To Consider When Choosing A Web Hosting Company ( Full Guide)

Factors To Consider When Choosing A Web Hosting Company

It's just a kindle one way click to create a free blog on blogger or WordPress.However, sticking to free domain name and web hosting plan chops off essential features like user customization, user interface flexibility only to mention a few thus beckons the need for a premium upgrade by hosting a website on namecheap or any other reputed web hosting company.
Recommended Post: Name Cheap web hosting plans, Pros and cons
Unlike the olden days,web hosting companies were few and anyone looking for a web hosting provider had no any other alternative other than being satisfied with any services they provide.Thanks to the positive impact of rampant web hosting companies.Don't think it just ignited your online business easily instead, it has complicated your web host choice. Making a quick decision is not comprehensive, longing for a long-term investment on your blog, you have to pick a reliable web hosting plan.After the expiry of the offer, you can still manage the renewal rates giving you a peace of mind towards building your online reputation to get you driven steadily along with your blogging enthusiasm.

What Key Factors Do We Consider When Choosing A Web Hosting Company (Step By Step Guide)

My best friend from India aged 22 had earlier asked me what are the key factors a blogger have to consider when choosing a reliable web hosting company.Without further ado, i created this list through my past experience and he recommended my step by step guide as a suffice skyrocket information with no

Price And Web Hosting Reputation

Offers and coupons is what all bloggers always take in account when scrambling for a web host choice provider perspectively, we may consider the renew rates/charges. Many web hosting companies lure newbies for a short term discounted fee only to ditch them by doubling the price. You should be careful to such wolves and as an ailment to this, start by checking their duration of business operation (experience), read their terms carefully then see what others recommend about their services 'beware some hosting providers may pay advertisers to rate them positively'. A long-term operating web hosting company is likely to stand out as the best bet acquainted with experience, I'm right? Take Blue Host,Name cheap with over 15 years of experience as my served example.

Availability Of Site Backups And Uptime Scores

Site backup would enable you to retrieve all your lost data in case of sudden disk failures or irreparable damages.Secure all your important data by hosting your website on web host companies with a website backup feature. Uptime score is another core factor to be considered because it takes a significant percentage in boosting your SEO rank.I still recall some years back when I hosted my personal website with my country web host provider and all I could spell was just curse, grievance and nothing else to smile about it.I had chosen WordPress as my CMS (content management system) and used one of the most popular WordPress plugin which monitors site uptime scores. At the state of hope amidst poor web host providers my website uptime score was very low. Since I launched my site for my business,I could see small breakthrough of my online reputation so I could no longer withstand it thus I pulled down my website.

User Customization And Technical Support

Presence of a Cpanel is all what makes a blogger work on different customization fields in one place like adding ftp accounts ,domains etc. Many years have past but at least I can recall these features.When it comes to technical support, many genuine web hosting providers would veil all their contact details like email chat, online chat, social media support page, phone numbers and user logged in forum page. When I was reviewing namecheap web hosting pros and cons, it confuses me why namecheap lacks phone number support yet they have been operating more than 19 years till date.

Scalability And Flexibility To Add-Ons

Since we cannot accurately measure the extent of blog growth,it is a wise decision to choose the rare plan which guarantees an upgrade in the future with no excuses and buffers. Since most premium web hosting companies provides a Cpanel,this will embrace addition of website domains or subdomain from the main domain name.There are myriad web hosting plans from different web hosting companies which comes with different cost and features.


A security feature under web hosting is simply the guard for a domain from theft and protecting all sensitive personal information from exposure to third parties. I will start by shunning all web host providers who rob their users by asking them to pay lucratively on whoisguard privacy protection while they also tighten the bolt for the price of a domain name,SSL certificate, and web hosting prices. At this century, such features must be catered by the web host provider with no laid cost to the user.



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