
Monday 18 May 2020

Factors To Consider When Choosing A Web Hosting Company ( Full Guide)

Factors To Consider When Choosing A Web Hosting Company

It's just a kindle one way click to create a free blog on blogger or WordPress.However, sticking to free domain name and web hosting plan chops off essential features like user customization, user interface flexibility only to mention a few thus beckons the need for a premium upgrade by hosting a website on namecheap or any other reputed web hosting company.
Recommended Post: Name Cheap web hosting plans, Pros and cons
Unlike the olden days,web hosting companies were few and anyone looking for a web hosting provider had no any other alternative other than being satisfied with any services they provide.Thanks to the positive impact of rampant web hosting companies.Don't think it just ignited your online business easily instead, it has complicated your web host choice. Making a quick decision is not comprehensive, longing for a long-term investment on your blog, you have to pick a reliable web hosting plan.After the expiry of the offer, you can still manage the renewal rates giving you a peace of mind towards building your online reputation to get you driven steadily along with your blogging enthusiasm.

What Key Factors Do We Consider When Choosing A Web Hosting Company (Step By Step Guide)

My best friend from India aged 22 had earlier asked me what are the key factors a blogger have to consider when choosing a reliable web hosting company.Without further ado, i created this list through my past experience and he recommended my step by step guide as a suffice skyrocket information with no

Price And Web Hosting Reputation

Offers and coupons is what all bloggers always take in account when scrambling for a web host choice provider perspectively, we may consider the renew rates/charges. Many web hosting companies lure newbies for a short term discounted fee only to ditch them by doubling the price. You should be careful to such wolves and as an ailment to this, start by checking their duration of business operation (experience), read their terms carefully then see what others recommend about their services 'beware some hosting providers may pay advertisers to rate them positively'. A long-term operating web hosting company is likely to stand out as the best bet acquainted with experience, I'm right? Take Blue Host,Name cheap with over 15 years of experience as my served example.

Availability Of Site Backups And Uptime Scores

Site backup would enable you to retrieve all your lost data in case of sudden disk failures or irreparable damages.Secure all your important data by hosting your website on web host companies with a website backup feature. Uptime score is another core factor to be considered because it takes a significant percentage in boosting your SEO rank.I still recall some years back when I hosted my personal website with my country web host provider and all I could spell was just curse, grievance and nothing else to smile about it.I had chosen WordPress as my CMS (content management system) and used one of the most popular WordPress plugin which monitors site uptime scores. At the state of hope amidst poor web host providers my website uptime score was very low. Since I launched my site for my business,I could see small breakthrough of my online reputation so I could no longer withstand it thus I pulled down my website.

User Customization And Technical Support

Presence of a Cpanel is all what makes a blogger work on different customization fields in one place like adding ftp accounts ,domains etc. Many years have past but at least I can recall these features.When it comes to technical support, many genuine web hosting providers would veil all their contact details like email chat, online chat, social media support page, phone numbers and user logged in forum page. When I was reviewing namecheap web hosting pros and cons, it confuses me why namecheap lacks phone number support yet they have been operating more than 19 years till date.

Scalability And Flexibility To Add-Ons

Since we cannot accurately measure the extent of blog growth,it is a wise decision to choose the rare plan which guarantees an upgrade in the future with no excuses and buffers. Since most premium web hosting companies provides a Cpanel,this will embrace addition of website domains or subdomain from the main domain name.There are myriad web hosting plans from different web hosting companies which comes with different cost and features.


A security feature under web hosting is simply the guard for a domain from theft and protecting all sensitive personal information from exposure to third parties. I will start by shunning all web host providers who rob their users by asking them to pay lucratively on whoisguard privacy protection while they also tighten the bolt for the price of a domain name,SSL certificate, and web hosting prices. At this century, such features must be catered by the web host provider with no laid cost to the user.

Saturday 9 May 2020

How To Download Any Blogger Theme Using A Mobile Phone(full guide)

We all know how tricky it is to download a blogger theme using a mobile phone, I have my own trick I have been using so I decided to share with you and I hope it will help you learn how to download any desired theme/template with full step by step installation. We first started by creating a blogger account then we drove together to the heart of blogging which is a super guide to choose a profitable oriented niche now, we got to learn the most demanding topic hankered by newbies, stay tuned. A theme is simply the appearance or the 'suit' of your blog. There are a variety of free and premium blogger themes created to siphon as many bloggers as it can to the blogspot arena. These themes procure a distinct appearance and are elegantly designed by theme creators fraternity based on all available niches. A good example is a magazine template that fits a news blog while a technology theme fits a guy under gadget enthusiasm.PC owners can download and use any Blogger theme but for mobile insight blogger guys, we always object a thought as a herculean task and that our mobile phones cannot execute the task efficiently which is a big lie and as a result, I'm here today to help you out.

How To Download A Blogger Theme/Template And Install on my Blog Using A Mobile Phone (Step-By-Step Guide)

If you ever come across any desired blogger theme/template and you didn't know how to download using a mobile phone with the full installation process, I promise you that, if you dedicate your time reading this ultimate guide and following my step by step instructions until the end of the tutorial, you will easily download any desired Blogger theme and use it on your blog. After reading this article I hope you will buy me a cup of coffee ๐Ÿ˜œ.
Step 1: Visit Your Best Theme Store
There are uncountable websites that offer as many blogger themes as they can flaunt. You can opt for colorlib which is my best bet.
Step 2: Download The Theme
step to download a theme

Before making any download here, Know that your chosen niche will help you download the most outstanding theme. Remember to sort by categories which will ease your task and help you download the correct theme based on the topic of your blog(your niche). 
Step 3: Download WPS App
We had earlier discussed essential mobile blogging apps which I had enlightened you on all necessary blogging apps including the role of WPS office. This is a handy app that serves as a blogger theme/template editor. Get it On Google Play.
Step 4: Open With WPS Office
opening a document using wps office app

Go to your download folder in the phone storage section, select your theme then choose open with WPS office.
Step 5: Open The Template
opening a templete using wps office app

Your template must appear as a file with a question mark icon enclosed in a small box on the left side of the template name. The template file size is always the largest and it appears the first at the top with the name of the theme 
Step 6: Save The Theme
pic when saving a theme

After opening the theme, don't edit anything for you are not familiar with stuffed codes used to come up the theme, click on edit tab, tap on Save, choose your favorite storage folder then click on save
Step 7: Rename The Theme 
rename .docx to .xml format

Since we don't want to copy the whole codes then paste directly on the theme configuration section, we first need to locate the file then edit by erasing the .docx and replace it with .xml extension. Example
Pixelbloggertheme.docx edit so as to let it appear as pixelbloggertheme.xml
Step 8: Sign In Your Blogger Account

Sign in your blogger account using a chrome browser or any search engine app of your choice.
Step 9: Go To Dashboard
blogger  sign in section using chrome browser

Blogger dashboard is the first page that loads after signing in.
Step 10: Go To Theme
head to the theme by scrolling downwards

The theme is where the appearance, layouts, styling, and so on are preserved so as to control all the assigned activities on a website.
Step 11: Go To Edit HTML
This feature is old fashioned, unlike the classic mode. You can shift to classic mode mounting classy and easy user customization.
Step 12: Tap On Backup Your Theme 
backup feature secure your already existing templete settings

We sometimes lost our data on our phones and computer which becomes unrecoverable even in the future but when we perform a backup process, our data is more secure and gives the user confidence to do whatever he/she intends to do. It is advisable to backup your theme before we continue.
Step 13: Go To Restore
restoring simply means to remove the existing theme and replace with the new one

The restore command is as easy as changing your theme for good
Step 14: Upload Your Theme

Since we saved the theme on our liked folder, we have to revisit again and click on it and the upload process begins immediately.
Step 15: Click On Save Theme
save your theme successfully

When your theme has an error, it cannot be accepted. Making changes on the theme without any hint about it is not necessary instead you should consult an expert to help you out.

How To Show Specific Posts By Labels Widget/Gadget In Blogger Blog

How To Show Specific Posts By Labels Widget/Gadget In Blogger After creating an account in blogger and choosing a self-centered oriented niche, confidence and willpower is portrayed as the start of a profitable blog and identifying hurdles likely to shook your blogging enthusiasm. There's room to add custom layouts like showing specific posts by labels in blogger blog hence blogging using blogger platforms is very easy unlike other CMS. The cheapness of blogging using free Blogspot extension does not give sufficient customization thus newbies decide to have a self-hosted blog.

Step By Step Guide On How To Show Specific Posts By Labels In Blogger Blog

Apart from my step by step guide being a complete tutorial, it guarantees 100% trust and it works perfectly. We are going to participate practically and have our blog/website showing specific posts by labels in blogger.
Step 1 Copy The Code Below 
We have provided the code which will perform the assigned task.
Get The Copy

/* Recent posts by labels widget by BenArdent*/
margin-right:10px !important;
Height:72px; /* Thumbnail height */
width:72px; /* Thumbnail width */
border: 1px solid #fff;
-webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);
-moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);
box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);
#label_with_thumbs { text-align: justify;
font: normal 18px Port Lligat Slab;
float: left;
width: 98%;
min-height: 70px;
margin: 0px 10px 2px 0px;
padding: 0;
ul#label_with_thumbs li {
padding:8px 0;
border-bottom: 1px dotted #999999;
#label_with_thumbs li{
list-style: none ;
padding-left:0px !important;
#label_with_thumbs a:visited {
    text-decoration: none;
    color: black;}
#label_with_thumbs a:link {
    text-decoration: none;
    color: black;}
#label_with_thumbs a { text-transform: none;}
#label_with_thumbs a:hover { text-decoration: underline;}
#label_with_thumbs strong {padding-left:0px; }</style>
<script type='text/javascript'>
function labelthumbs(json){document.write('<ul id="label_with_thumbs">');for(var i=0;i<numposts;i++){var entry=json.feed.entry[i];var posttitle=entry.title.$t;var posturl;if(i==json.feed.entry.length)break;for(var k=0;k<;k++){if([k].rel=='replies'&&[k].type=='text/html'){var[k].title;var[k].href;}
if([k].rel=='alternate'){[k].href;break;}}var thumburl;try{$thumbnail.url;}catch(error)
{s=entry.content.$t;a=s.indexOf("<img");b=s.indexOf("src=\"",a);c=s.indexOf("\"",b+5);d=s.substr(b+5,c-b-5);if((a!=-1)&&(b!=-1)&&(c!=-1)&&(d!="")){thumburl=d;}else thumburl='';}
var postdate=entry.published.$t;var cdyear=postdate.substring(0,4);var cdmonth=postdate.substring(5,7);var cdday=postdate.substring(8,10);var monthnames=new Array();monthnames[1]="Jan";monthnames[2]="Feb";monthnames[3]="Mar";monthnames[4]="Apr";monthnames[5]="May";monthnames[6]="June";monthnames[7]="July";monthnames[8]="Aug";monthnames[9]="Sept";monthnames[10]="Oct";monthnames[11]="Nov";monthnames[12]="Dec";document.write('<li class="clearfix">');if(showpostthumbnails==true)
document.write('<a href="'+posturl+'" target ="_top"><img class="label_thumb" src="'+thumburl+'"/></a>');document.write('<strong><a href="'+posturl+'" target ="_top">'+posttitle+'</a></strong><br>');if("content"in entry){var postcontent=entry.content.$t;}
if("summary"in entry){var postcontent=entry.summary.$t;}
else var postcontent="";var re=/<\S[^>]*>/g;postcontent=postcontent.replace(re,"");if(showpostsummary==true){if(postcontent.length<numchars){document.write('');document.write(postcontent);document.write('');}
else{document.write('');postcontent=postcontent.substring(0,numchars);var quoteEnd=postcontent.lastIndexOf(" ");postcontent=postcontent.substring(0,quoteEnd);document.write(postcontent+'...');document.write('');}}
var towrite='';var flag=0;document.write('<br>');if(showpostdate==true){towrite=towrite+monthnames[parseInt(cdmonth,10)]+'-'+cdday+' - '+cdyear;flag=1;}
{if(flag==1){towrite=towrite+' | ';}
if(commenttext=='1 Comments')commenttext='1 Comment';if(commenttext=='0 Comments')commenttext='No Comments';commenttext='<a href="'+commenturl+'" target ="_top">'+commenttext+'</a>';towrite=towrite+commenttext;flag=1;;}
{if(flag==1)towrite=towrite+' | ';towrite=towrite+'<a href="'+posturl+'" class="url" target ="_top">More »</a>';flag=1;;}
<script type='text/javascript'>VAR NUMPOSTS = 5;var showpostthumbnails = true;var displaymore = false;var displayseparator = true;var showcommentnum = false;var showpostdate = false;var showpostsummary = true;var numchars = 200;</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/feeds/posts/default/-/YOUR LABEL HERE?published&alt=json-in-script&callback=labelthumbs"></script>

Step 2 Sign In Blogger Account 

Go to your blogger sign in section and provide the correct logging in credentials to let you in.
Step 3 Go To Layout

After signing in your blogger account, Scroll down and select layout at the dashboard section
Step 4 Add A Gadget

Let's be keen here! Before we select or add a gadget, we have to choose where our preferred labels must appear. A blog always has four well-known sections, for example, content bar, sidebars, header, and footer bar.
Step 5 Click HTML/JavaScript

Although we are limited to accessing many blogger gadgets, the HTML/JavaScript gives access to as many add-ons without clutter.
Step 6 Paste The Code
Name your label as it appear on your Label lists then paste the code
Step 7 Click on Save 

A Complete Set-Up On How To Show Specific Labels In Blogger Layout

To make a complete set up on how to show labels in blogger layout, we sometimes find needless to stick to default set-up thus a prerequisite for configuration.
The red-colored elements are what you are going to edit. Continue reading for more information.
height:72px; /* Thumbnail height */
width:72px; /* Thumbnail width */

The size of your images(Thumbnails) attached to your relevant posts appears exactly on the homepage. However, this image is just an insight that brings more meaning to whatever you flaunt on your post. The size of these images is set to default hence for comfortability and the flexibility on the size of appearance allows you to edit.
The height is just the normal height you came across in mathematics but width is the extension of the pic perpendicular to height.
This picture is a very good example when your article has no image therefore, this simple image appears like this one. You can create a no-image png with a full step by step guide but in the meantime, you can use the one on I have provided on my blog.
var numposts = 5
This is quite self-explanatory. Therefore, it instructs our code to show 5 labeled posts but you can choose the number of your posts by the label to any desired numeric.
This is the first step you would consider when you setting up at the very first phase. We have just decided to follow the order of appearance as not to confuse you. Your label is also your category

Saturday 2 May 2020

How To Choose A Profitable Niche For Your New Blog (Full Guide 2020)

How To Choose A Profitable Niche For Your New Blog(Full Guide 2020) After creating a new blog, you are set to begin your online business but something intrusive is trying to pull you back. To an extent, it looks like you are running out of all necessary blogging ideas. At this tender phase, the steering of your thoughts is totally unstable and you need immediate self-relaxation to overcome the confusion, As a result, I'm going to guide you one by one till the end and I promise to eradicate the confusion with suffice step by step instructions braced to take an immediate effect.

When starting out the journey of blogging, newbies don't consider choosing a perfect niche instead they deliberately mess up by mixing more than eight niches in one blog which is not that much recommended. Although creativity is the passkey to emerge as the best blogger of all time, if you know you are perfect on several niches consider grouping them wisely.

Factors To Consider Before Choosing A Profitable Niche For Your New Blog (2020 Step By Step Guide)

Starting a blog is very easy but choosing a profitable niche is somehow challenging as denoted by experienced bloggers. In this very new and meticulous article, I'm going to brainstorm you with identical recommendations required for your blog vitality. We have also outlined a few factors to consider before choosing a viable niche for your blog, stay tuned.

What Is A Blog Niche
A blog niche is simply the topic of your blog, in other words, it is a focused area where you will be concentrating on your blogging passion which involves, writing new articles, promoting your website and managing all the contents of your blog.

Be Honest
The core key to winning indefinite hearts of your audience is by staying honest in yourself throughout in front of them. We all know that our audience determines the success or the failure of our online business thus if a reader is unsatisfied, you have to restore the bond by making necessary changes which by doing that will embrace a smooth continuation and a good flow for your business. 

Many bloggers tend to deteriorate their trust by talking about a certain topic hankered by the audience with little stains of dishonesty. This would result in losing your esteemed customers without winning them back thus affecting your online business unfavorably.

Before launching any new article to your audience there are a few questions you have to note down and your article should answer perfectly when reviewed by a reader
1. Is this article containing 100% facts?
2. It this step by step guide well written with a uniform flow of ideas?
3. How is my audience going to perceive my message?
4. How is the article beneficial to my audience?
If your blog meets the above questions then you are blogging heading in the right path.

Select An Interesting Niche
Choosing an interesting niche is sometimes credited to assured self-motivation and accelerated willpower. You can easily seduce your readers with interesting articles that will induce a rapid increase of new mail subscription lists and gain vast popularity simply because you chose a niche that you are interested in.

Duration Of Your Niche
A short term niche is not ready to stand out as a perfect and long-term profitable centered niche.

This bait hooks many bloggers who are shortsighted and cannot foresee the upcoming events. Let's say you choose a niche about politics which is likely to happen in two months to come and name your niche 'Trump for President 2020'.This niche is 'perishable' when all political events have taken place your niche also expires without credibility.

Know More About Your Niche
Grasping your concepts fully and thoroughly will set you right on the track, beefs up your ideas, and conduct a  perfect consumption of your information by the targeted audience.

Avoid struggling writing about what you do not have a complete idea at all instead, You can talk about your experience of doing something, advising people, or making wise decisions to your audience. Leave the delicate areas which fulfill a certain qualification and profession to skilled personnel.

Money Value
At this ripped stage, if you are still blogging for fun then I advise you to take another course or change that passion for something profitable. What isn't available on this blogging space when it comes to monetization?

 E-commerce websites are yearning to reach to as many audiences as it can by allowing website owners to promote their products and services through a tracking link placed on the product or service rendered on your blog in return of an agreed commission. 

When a buyer makes a complete(full) purchase you receive a commission instantly and not withheld more than 24 hours. This is called affiliate marketing. Monetizing programs like AdSense, media net are set to pay you immediately after getting your site approval.

How To Choose A Profitable Niche For Your Newly Created Blog (Full Guide)
Everyone is immensely concerned and craving for great ways suited to creating a successful and profitable niche on their blog likely to save the long-term hustle. The thrilling question can be whether Monetizing Programs like Google AdSense pay its publishers differently by sorting out by niche and the answer goes to Yes! 

There are most compelling and profitable niches which reign over the others and they are paid lucratively. As a hint, before launching a favorite niche for your Newly created blog consider doing proper market research.

Prepare A List Of Your Hobbies
Jot down a whole list of your hobbies you enjoy doing when you are free from your primary work. Remember also to include the less interesting hobbies for there's no useless hobby at this tender stage. I know how tricky it sounds but you can figuratively configure your list by checking how rich your hobby can be for generating the contents and thrilling topics thus you can easily pick the correct hobby.

Unrestrict yourself by not sticking to one topic if there's is still room to add two or three more hobbies for this will broaden your ideas presented on your website and create a spacious room for long term creation of articles thus your Website flourish for as many years as it can withstand.

Job And Experience
It is not mandatory to be employed from a reputed firm as a guaranteed qualification to creating a perfect niche, experience is more powerful than a job employment opportunity. Experience is always gotten from life exposure through learning the tricks, traps, and tips.

Our world is a 'community' where we can learn new things through interacting with many people found on the web. Brainstorming new ideas is very easy and flexible done within a couple of seconds.

There are online jobs like freelancing therefore if you have ever been employed in any firm, you can share your ideas with your clients on your blog. Experience comes with time, when I started my blogging journey some years back, I never knew anything about blogging. I came and learn to create an account in blogger I also never knew Anything about SEO but trust me, experience is the best aspect to success.

Whatever I'm sharing with you is based on my experience identical to other qualified bloggers.

Identify A Market Gap
Generally, when we dive into business we always consider looking for a profitable business. How can we reach to our success if all businesses have been catered for? that's a mind-banging question that has to be looked into at a great consideration.

I know how tricky and tough it is to get one which will boost your income nevertheless swerving off due to high competition from already existing business premises. I can advise you to take a low competitive or choose highly competitive business or both provided a profit is generated which is sometimes overlooked by impatient bloggers.

There is a full list of niche which are frankly fading out and they are paid lucratively by AdSense.Opting for an already competitive business will pay you less inversely a low competitive business will pay you more so where can we get started? I do not recommend you of any of the above because you may follow my opinion yet it doesn't meet your expectations.
Since you have read this guide, I advise you not to run up and down like a wolf but consider conducting proper market research and choose your hobby wisely, the rest is taken care of.

Thanks for reading. Questions, thanks, and sharing our article are all our pleasure.

Best Namecheap Web hosting plans 2020

An opted web hosting company can determine the success or the failure of your online business. Therefore, finding a good and trustable web hosting company can friendly the long-term hustle contrary to be a herculean task if you are after good quality services for your blog's vitality and your esteemed customers.

A good number of beginners asks me What is web hosting? In a simpler explanation, it is an assigned computer system, which stores all your data and makes it available on the web through a server.

You cannot just wake up in the morning and power on your laptop then seek web hosting companies and immediately choose any web hosting company hoping to work for you earnestly no! There are a few factors to consider before choosing a web hosting company and experience is one of the most key preference.

I'm sorry to say openly that, most web hosting companies sucks with the services they are feeding to their users unveiling the truth, I am one of the screwed victim. I will try all my best to evade you from such casualties I just came across and stumbled dearly about four years ago.

We haven't hosted a website on Namecheap and we are hoping to get started soon. However, the information provided is precisely imported from Namecheap users and I took a deep review in general and it qualified as an outstanding web hosting company.

Note that we sometimes may earn a commission from the provided links on our site but know that the price remains the same and no extra charges would be added in the total checkout payment scheme.

Best Namecheap Stellar Web Hosting Plans (2020 Guide)

best shared we hosting plans offered by namecheap

We have been conducting tiring research about all web hosting companies exemplary, Blue host Web Hosting Plans, Site ground Web hosting plans, Hostgator Web hosting plans, GoDaddy web hosting plans, Hostinger web hosting plans and many others with a view of picking the best, transparent, trustable and worthy web hosting company. Luckily I came to know the existence of the most affordable web hosting company branded as Namecheap.

Shut the wrong belief and malefic talk about cheap web hosting companies, Namecheap is the only standalone company in 2020 to pay less and great work is done without any excuse. This company started in early 2000 which is in the 20th year anniversary of experience assuring any blogger looking for a cheap and reliable web hosting store to opt-in here because 'experience perfects with time'.

Best Namecheap Web Hosting Plans

Namecheap's unconditional compassion for newbies is bewrayed by providing affordable web hosting plans with all required arsenal tools and sufficient step by step guide at hand. There are three well known Namecheap web hosting plans which stand out pricelessly to fit your blogging enthusiasm.

All plans come with
Unmetered bandwidth
Free website builder
Free website domain name and privacy protection
50 positive SSL certificates
30-day money-back guarantee

Stellar Plan
Let me say that, this is the priced-off plan in Namecheap, I also name it as the starter plan. It comes submissively with 50% off for the first year and renews at the normal price thus no cuffs for extra charges. The stellar plan demands a mere 1.44 dollars monthly and renews at 2.88 dollars.
Stellar Plan Features
๐Ÿ‘‰50% for the first year
๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿพ️Pay $1.44 instead of $2.88 Monthly
๐Ÿ‘‰20 GB Web Storage
๐Ÿ‘‰3 Websites
๐Ÿ‘‰Domain Name
๐Ÿ‘‰Unmetered Bandwidth
๐Ÿ‘‰Free Website domain name and Privacy
๐Ÿ‘‰Available SSL certificates
๐Ÿ‘‰Free website Builder
๐Ÿ‘‰30 day money back guarantee

Get Started Now!

To avoid unnecessary monthly payments you can opt to yearly charging you at 17.28 dollars and renews at 33.88 dollars. Honestly,20 GB (gigabytes) web storage is sufficient for a pro blogger writing articles on the go. It allows adding an extra 3 domains.

Stellar Plus
This plan is more advanced than the stellar plan in terms of price, bandwidth, etc. It cost 29.28 dollars for the first year and renews at 57.88 dollars. Although it is costly it boasts an auto-backup feature with unmetered SSD (Solid State Drive).

Stellar Plan Features
๐Ÿ‘‰50% for the first year
๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿพ️Pay $2.44 instead of $4.88 Monthly
๐Ÿ‘‰ Unmetered SSD (Solid State Drive) Web Storage
๐Ÿ‘‰ Unlimited Websites
๐Ÿ‘‰Domain Name
๐Ÿ‘‰ Auto Backup
๐Ÿ‘‰Free Website domain name and Privacy
๐Ÿ‘‰Available SSL certificates
๐Ÿ‘‰Free website Builder
๐Ÿ‘‰30 day money back guarantee

Get Started Now!

Stellar Business
A stellar Business plan is suited for developed and high traffick websites of all time. It costs 53.28 dollars and renews at 106.56 dollars annually.50 GB Web disk would fit all your business contents in one secured folder with auto back up feature and cloud storage.

Stellar Plan Features
๐Ÿ‘‰50% for the first year
๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿพ️Pay $4.44 instead of $8.88 Monthly
๐Ÿ‘‰50 GB Web Storage
๐Ÿ‘‰Unlimited Websites
๐Ÿ‘‰Domain Name
๐Ÿ‘‰Auto Backup
๐Ÿ‘‰Free Website domain name and Privacy
๐Ÿ‘‰Available SSL certificates
๐Ÿ‘‰Free website Builder
๐Ÿ‘‰30 day money back guarantee

Get Started Now!

This is one of the most flexible plans hankered for guys who want to create unlimited domains for their clients as a way of building a strong online business reputation.

Best Namecheap Web Hosting Plans Pros And Cons

advantages and disadvantages of hosting a website in namecheap

We regard Namecheap as the most affordable web hosting plans unlike other web hosting companies rendering the same service. However, as we speculate on Namecheap, it still flaunts the pros and cons or advantages and disadvantages synopsis. This information will help you have a clear picture of Namecheap services at a wide-ranged perspective.

Renewal Rates Are Low
Branding a website may take a month, a year, or a decade based on your experience. On the same note, after creating your website you cannot just sit and wait for a whole year without working passionately on your chosen niche. Start by creating a blog with Blogger or WordPress, choose a good theme, and commence writing articles to enrich your blog's growth.

Namecheap makes sure you got covered by providing cheap annual renewal rates to all newbies without fail. Consider grabbing this deal before its expiry.

Free WhoisGuard
As one of the most essential security features, WhoisGuard protects your personal information like phone numbers your mail address and other important personal data not preferably to be shared on the web. In fact, it's a free feature unlike other web hosting companies where you pay a fixed fee to enroll in the service.

Excellent customer support
Namecheap caters for suffice customer support like live chat customer support feature which enables instant message delivery with super quick reply from their customer help center. It also provides resourceful YouTube videos to help you troubleshoot any incurred problem.
Despite Namecheap's affordability, it still walks along with drawbacks thus toxifying a certain percentage of the good side for its services. The important grenade of having this checklist is that it would help you know the dark side of Namecheap services rendered to its users

Lacks a phone call support
It is very unethical for a long-term operating business like this company to miss a phone call feature. Thanks to the live customer support feature but this is not sufficient to build a good relationship in business with your business partners and customers. When you host your website on Namecheap, expect no contact phone number.

Domain Cost Is High
Let's take an example of .com extension which is priced at 8.88 dollars yet newbies expect a free domain name for the first year. Even as we keep on embracing our online fortunes you will still be required to pay the same amount or more for the coming years.

Insufficient Web disk Storage
You could be among the guys who have ardently decided to invest in online opportunities, we cannot actually take the correct measure of our blogging fortune thus I do not recommend you as a beginner to invest heavily on Web disk Storage rather than choosing the least space which will save some balance on your wallet for future need of an upgrade if necessary. The stellar plan with 20 GB Web disk storage fits a pro blogger for some time but for a movie guy, things are different here because he/she requires a large Web Disk Storage.

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