Tuesday 21 April 2020

Mobile Phone Specifications Required To Qualify For Blogging

Mobile Phone Specifications Required To Qualify For Blogging Hi, reader, I'm glad to see you come back again and read the new article I have been preparing while you were away. I have been feeling compassionate for guys who are stranded and they fear their passion for blogging with a view to make some money online may end up without any success. Such guys may be unlucky to own laptops for themselves and the only gadgets they can afford are smartphones. I, therefore, urge you that, all is not gone. There are some basic features of a mobile phone that will determine whether it can be used in blogging.

Mobile Phone Specifications To Required For Blogging

simple phone specs required to for Blogging

You can easily blog using a mobile phone, the burning question is, does it meets the required blogging criteria? A laptop qualifies as the best blogging tool but due to some reasons, we may be underprivileged to even own the cheapest laptops in the market. We cannot easily shut the required hollow way through, by the little obstacles so we do need to adamantly stick to our passions and liven up our dreams by making some progress and not by checking at success. Your mobile phone could open slammed doors for you! Who knows? Believe it, it could be true. For now, let's check whether the smartphone you are using can help you to start and run a blog.

Before a brief introduction, you are required to remember to read on How To Create An Outstanding Blog and follow my step by step guide with a view to qualifying basic SEO tips as a beginner.
Storage And Resolution
Storage plays it's a major role in determining whether a mobile phone specifications passes the required score of blogging. We are going to start with RAM then we see the basic qualification of ROM because RAM is the most important storage in addition to this, it is mostly preserved to determine the number of apps it can be used to run and sustain without lagging. A mobile phone with less than 1GB ram is no brainer decision because you are likely to miss out on most essential mobile apps for blogging.ROM storage can be at least 8GB but preferably 16 GB is the best bet. Resolution is another and the most crucial feature to consider because it will take any effect on the quality of your photos you attach on your articles.No user would like your site if it contains blurred images and you will also receive low-quality SEO ranking. The best mobile resolution can be 1280x720pixels anything lower than this resolution cannot be that dazzling to get a good headstart.
Screen Size And OS

The screen size and its aspect ratio is another pre determiner to consider. Can you imagine straining your already red eyes typing a whole 800 words article with that 3 inched smartphone unless you are using speak to text app from Google otherwise typing would be a herculean task for you? If you know that most likely you will take the responsibility of typing, consider devices ranging from 5 inches and above.
Which OS is your phone's Android version? Stick to this keenly because you may be missing the latest released apps likely to ease the old fashioned ways of doing something in blogging hence keep your self updated to the latest technology. Use devices from Android version 7.0 Nougat and so on but you can still try version 5 or 6 but I don't recommend them.
Processor And Battery 
We all know how Qualcomm Snapdragon chipset seated on Adreno 430 and above takes great care thus delivering super fast navigation in use alternatively MediaTek chipsets are still worthy. Cpu clocking speed should not be below 1.1gigahertz for it will lag and keeps on crashing when multitasked.
Phone's battery is not just an important feature to consider but it reigns as the king of all, remember to stay used to a huge battery device for this will help you deliver long hours writing and browsing without unnecessary battery depletion before completing your tasks. My phone uses 3500 mAh and it gives me sufficient time to write all that I want and extends for long hours. Devices operating below 2000 mAh could not even let you finish Installing Yoast Plug-In For Blogger😜
Network And Security
Wireless connectivity does everything here, but we still need a factor for that,802.11 Wi-Fi protocol can connect to a superfast 4G internet speed. When it comes to cellular network, flaunt a device with 3G; HSPA/HSUPA and 4G LTE. Avoid devices with 2G cellular data in this century. Remember to encrypt all your hard work with a password,pin or use the latest technologies like face id or fingerprint scanner

Smart Blogging Using A Mobile Phone

smart blogging using a smartphone

After your mobile phone have qualified for the above specifications,start by creating a blog and write your favourite articles without uncertainty. There are other Technical areas required to boost your blogging career,that's not complicated at all as a result we are going to be smart bloggers and generate ultimate articles vital for your blogging space.
I hope the information offered have immensely helped you.Remember we write awesome articles on Affiliate Marketing, Hosting, Blogging, Monetising Programs, Making Money Online and SEO.
Comments, like and questions are our happiness, please hit the comment section and say something.


Sunday 19 April 2020

How To Install Yoast Plugin For Blogger (Improve SEO Ranking) Guide

How To Install Yoast Plugin For Blogger(Improve SEO Ranking Guide) Yoast SEO Plugin have been intensively  popular since its first  date of launch.Wordpress users are very familiar and they know how it works and the general infomatics  about the plugin.I have used this plugin on my self hosted account in WordPress for some time back without any regrets thus  I can rate it as the best handy tool any blogger would try to consider when starting his online business.
What Is Yoast SEO Plugin?
I wanna spill the beans and let you know a fraction about Yoast SEO Plugin,in WordPress C.M.S,Yoast Plugin is a requisite feature to focus on immediately when blogging at all times.Yoast Plugin cuts the clutter of doubting whether your page is optimized to the top level most before launching it to the web.As you keep on writing it fetches and suggests more relevant keywords,makes sure your post have tittle tags,checks the meta description snippet and how rich it is with a view of checking how it may perform in the search results.
Tasks of WordPress Yoast SEO Plugin
Snippet Editor eg meta description concentration
Built In Robot.txt files
Open graphs meta tags
Breadcrumb Navigation
Xml sitemaps 
Checking Google webmaster tools
Social intergration & much more
You can be referred like me by an Indian pal then enjoy the new and sweet spices of using wordpress Yoast Plugin in its field of blogging.

How To Install Yoast Plugin For Blogger And Boost SEO Ranking Step By Step Guide

 Yoast SEO  Plugin installation works well in WordPress after hosting a personal website.However, can we use it in blogger?
Unfortunately we lack the plugin for blogger, the reason being WordPress plugins are unsupported in blogger but that does not mean our site is not going to be indexed properly in order to appear from top search results (SERP) luckily,you  are going to follow my step by step guide in order to add it manually on your desired blogspot site and see how it boosts your site performance in the ranking.
Blogger have a simple style of delivering plugins which is reffered to as gadgets. It is not only that people like the cheapness of blogging using blogger platform but it also have a direct monetisation program named Google AdSense.Before i launch it,it is going to perform the following tasks;
Show Title Post
Add meta tags to blogger blog
Optimize blogger labels
Add correct header robots.txt files 
Optimize blogger comment
Optimize homepage
Optimize Blogger Archive
Add Facebook and Twitter open graphs meta tags 
Image optimization
Quick crawling of your blog
The code knows how to organize itself  and it will take care of the above listed tasks furthermore it is one of the best ways of improving site performance in the search results.

Setting Up Yoast SEO Plugin tutorial

It's a matter of  copy and paste blogger Yoast  Plugin to boost our SEO and get motivated with immediate effect.No payment to make the job done,our tutorial is clear and flexible in setting up any complex task.
Step 1 Copy The Code I have Provided Below

The first step is copying  the code I have provided below,just hit 'get the code' I have provided then copy,To copy using Windows laptop press ctrl+c.

Get The Code
Step 2 Paste The Code On Your Text Editor

Paste the code on the  text editor then replace the following for ease set up on your blog.
Bloggingonlinemoneycom with your Twitter username
Bloggingonlinemoney with your name
Benardent with your blogger name
Contact@bloggingonlinemoney.blogspot.com with your mailing address.
Step 3 Copy After Editing Then Go To Dashboard

After replacing successfully,copy again and make sure it doesn't add other characters outside our code to to avoid errors in the future
Switch to blogger dashboard then click on Theme then tap edit html 
Step 4 Paste The Code On Your Website

Look  for <head> tag which usually appear at the top then paste just below it
Step 5 The final step

Click on Save theme and you are done 
Congratulations your website is now SEO optimized.You can appreciate our art at the comment section,don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter for more thrilling articles prepared under self experience and released on this blog only for you.


Friday 17 April 2020

How To Add Custom Search Button In Blogger

How To Add Custom Search Button In Blogger Apart from authoring on online money making and seo,I'm also an expert as well as a strong addict in blogging.I reveal latest blogging tricks and tips readily available for all bloggers.

Role Of Search Button In Blogger

tricks how to add custom search button

One of the most essential tools for any blog or website is having a well adapted search button which must be visible to users who navigates to your blog or site.With a well laid custom search button in blogger,it will help users to search any query on your site easily without tiresomely meandering on your site without success.Most blogger themes supports this feature but in other cases like using downloaded responsive themes from other blogger sources may lack this feature on mobile devices thus degrading your online site performance which seo experts advice newbies to have a mobile friendly theme to improve site ranking in Google's search results .The role of search button is great and it should be treated as the backbone of blogging because I have been blogging for a long time and I do know sensitive areas which many bloggers considers less important only to realize after blundering everything.I do not recommend you to waste your hard earned money asking for experts to work on your site instead of making more profit or investing in other pertinent areas like hosting,premium themes etc.

How To Launch Readily Designed Custom Search Button

There are many stylish search buttons out there that are readily designed to boost bloggers platform and with a view of attracting bloggers to blogspot arena.I will always keep announcing to all our blogspot users not to buy these widgets because I keep an owl watch on blogspot revolution every day in and out and I also guide on every trick I launch, as a result I have handpicked top attractive search buttons.With few syllables uttered,we are going to place the custom search button on our site and have it running within a few seconds with simple step by step guide.
You first need to copy the code below to proceed
<form action="search" name="input" method="get">
     <input value="" name="q" size="20" type="text"/>
     <input value="Search" type="submit"/>
Step 1.Log In To Your Blogger Account

I hope all guys reading this tutorial have already created a free blogspot site to make it easy and fast as possible.Log in by providing your mailing address and correct password at the blogger sign in section.
Step 2.Go To Layout

The layout is extremely an ultimate base where we add,edit or delete gadgets to make it work according to our desires on our blogs.The layout cuts the clutter by providing more than 25 gadgets on our free blogspot account and multiple html/JavaScript section to make our blogs appeal to our visitors.
Step 3.Add A Gadget

We can add search button anywhere you want but we need to implement in a wise way not to stuff a certain section unnecessarily.You have a wide range of choices either the search button to appear at the header,sidebars,content bar or footer section.
Step 4.Add HTMl/JavaScript

After selecting where the search button should appear on your blogspot site click on add HTMl/JavaScript element then paste the code you have copied from above.
Brief demonstration Log in To Blogger➡️ Dashboard➡️ Layout➡️ Select Add Gadget At The Footer➡️Tap on Html/JavaScript➡️ Paste The Code ➡️ Click on Save
After following my step by step guide on adding custom search button,click on the save arrangement on top right menu bar then visit your blog to approve our tutorial.I would like to hear from you how you have successfully implemented our search button however if you want to use other stylish buttons consider reviewing them for free on my top stylish search buttons .If our tutorial taught you something new in blogger platform,hit the comment section and let us know .

Sample Text

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